Sunday, April 27, 2008

Updating from Bedrest

The heat is AWFUL!
My little air conditioner is SO the little air conditioner that
"I think I can...make this sweltering den of fire cooler....I think I can...keep this person and her cat from passing out from heat exhaustion....I think I can!"
My poor little air conditioner.

On top of it all my foot and leg began to swell again so it was back to the bed keeping it elevated again. At least the pain isn't as bad and the discomfort is going away as the swelling goes down.

My mantra!
Much of yesterday I spent working on NEW wire work pearl and crystal hair combs. They are SO time consuming and use SO MUCH wire that I now understand why they charge so much for them when I seen these on line. Of course, mine are more elaborate then most I have seen elsewhere since you can find the simple designs everywhere. As with anything they say practice makes perfect. I won't go that far but I can absolutely see major improvement in my technique already. I'm feeling quite accomplished. I completed 3 14Kgf pieces since I have only been working in Sterling Silver and I know there are people that want gold. It's a bit, I never thought I'd say this about wire wrapping. Perhaps I will eventually learn how to apply this to jewelry. I plan to showcase some AMAZING wire wrap jewelry in a future post. My mouth just drops when I see skill like that~!

My friend/client is coming tomorrow and is going to let me borrow the back of her head for 5 minutes and I'm going to take a bunch of photos with the new wedding pieces in her hair. I think I need to have them on a real head to see proportions better. I think this will definitely help them sell better. I noticed people use mannequin heads but often have statements next to the descriptions that the heads are smaller...or something to that nature. I almost think that's worse because the customer sees THAT as how it looks and then has to imagine the head bigger...or the accessory smaller...I say just put it on a real head and the customer has to realize that it was ONLY FOR THE ONE PHOTO AND THE MODEL DOESN'T HAVE COOTIES. :P

I hope to have photos to share within the next few days.
Thank goodness I have a Laptop to borrow!
This thing is great!
...certainly no way I could be sitting at the desk and writing all this..and for sure no way to bring the desk top to MY BED! LOL

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Emerson Tung said...

Hey! Thanks for favouriting and stopping by my blog :) My girlfriend makes handmade jewelry too! Haha. Her shop is :D I'll tell her to check out your stuff too.

etherealwear said...

Borrow the back of your friend's head-- that was pretty darn funny!
a good way to stay cool is to wet a bandanna and tie it around your neck-- helps regulate your temps!

Take care, lady! Keep saying that mantra!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I hope you're back up and around soon!