Thursday, March 27, 2008

Etsy's OWN Copyrite Policy entry...

I still have NOT heard back from Etsy...
BUT I just found this in their own POLICY.

How do I know if my design is an unprotected idea or copyright protected expression?

Pursuant to the idea/expression doctrine, copyright protects only the expression of the idea—not the idea itself. It may be difficult to draw the line between an idea and expression. For example, in California, the court denied protection for a jeweled pin that was in the shape of a bee. The court determined that a jeweled bee pin was an idea and not expression. The court found there was only one way to make such a pin. The premise of this court ruling, that there is only one way to make a pin, with jewels, in the shape of a bee, seems hard to believe. But that’s what the court held. To the court, a jeweled bee pin is an idea and as such is not protected via copyright.

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Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Well you just happen to have the same idea as someone else, but you did it a heck of a lot better than them. ;-)

evel dread said...

This situation really bites! I hope you can get your items back up because they are gorgeous! I'm not one for hats or girlie hair accessories but your stuff could make me a changed woman :) Keep us posted!! Like oh my gawd, good luck! (had to toss in a bit of Valley Girl in there LOL) Have a good weekend!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I'm tagging you. ;-) You can see my blog to find the rules.