Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunshine With The Etsy Twitter Team

Although it's been chilly lately when the sun comes out it is so warm and beautiful. Today was no exception and I felt inspired to share a little Sunshine from the team!

Fun in the Sun Themed Summer 12x12 

Scrapbook Page Kit Coordinating Papers

by scrapwithstyle
by shopbonnin
by MommaGoddess

Honey Girl - Citrine and Copper Bauble Ring

by smutopia
by AquarianBath 
by dizzlePop
by SewDanish
by mysassyglass 

Composition Notebook Cover

by misseskwittys

by HandmadeBySandi

Lemon Scent earrings 

by anapinatelier
by prettywhimsical

Hope these cute and clever items gave you the warm and fuzzies!

I know I feel a little happier after looking at them.
Yellow is such a great color to lift the spirits!

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