Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Beautiful Pieces Piling Up!!!

It's been MONTHS that I have pieces just piling up and sitting here waiting to be seen!
There just isn't enough time in the day sometimes.
Well, at least it feels that way.
I've been busy with custom pieces (which I am SO thankful for) and just haven't had the time to take the pictures and prep the already completed pieces...and now I realize over the last 6+ months they are piling up!
I think what happens is I start these pieces in between the custom orders and before I know it I have several not quite finished pieces all around me.
It's frustrating since I have been only renewing A LOT of products in my Etsy shop instead of listing more new pieces.
Certainly client orders come first and that brings me around in my circle again!
I thought I could at least share a few pics of items not listed yet...a fun sneak peek!

These are a part of my Cherub Flower Collection. I actually made like 6 different variations. REALLY BEAUTIFUL in person.

This is a part of my Natural Beauties Collection.

I have several variations and colors of these vintage inspired necklaces. I LOVE them!

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...any recommendations?

I have been having a lot of pain in my right hand over the last 5 months...My Mom thinks I am getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I HOPE NOT! She got it from years of typing.
I do work for hours on end on my pieces and then follow up more on the computer.
It's been all the computer work that I think has me aching. I'm investing in another mouse too. I currently have the one that allows you to use your thumb on the ball to move the mouse instead of moving the mouse with your entire hand...(I was getting really bad shoulder pain from that one)However, now I have pain in the muscle where my thumb meets my hand.

Unfortunately I never learned how to type so I don't think I can get the ergonomically correct key boards since I have to see the keys.
Otherwise I would save for one of those too.

I need to get the wrist guard band things...any recommendations?

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Change is hard...

Well, I am happy to say that I am finally feeling well today.
It's been a tough couple of weeks...of ups and downs.
Been REALLY tired because of it all.

So, I decided to update my blog and change the colors to what I had in my head. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this color scheme and am sad to change it but I am thinking with the direction my designs are going in I need to.
Well...I couldn't figure out how to get the colors I REALLY wanted since they weren't offered in the pre made color chart...and THEN I accidentally erased the current colors and literally spent the last couple hours trying to get the site back to what it originally looked like!
I am such a goof!

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Being Sick is NO fun

...*sniffle snort*
Ugh...being sick is NO FUN!!!!
I have been "fighting" something for over 3 weeks and then last week it finally HIT me!
The medications I have been on for the last 8 months compromise my immune system so I am pretty happy I held it off for that long! Especially being around someone hacking for the first 3 weeks!!!
Yeah, it's THAT time of the year! I mean, last week we had an 80 degree day and now it's pouring rain and 55 degrees! I don't do well in extreme weather as it is!
(I'm a wimp)
But with the ailments I have right now I am wondering if the cold is effecting my leg and feet condition?
Anyway, THANK YOU to all the patient clients waiting for their custom pieces!!!!!
*random thought* "I'm not really a fan of Ny Quil"

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

...what a difference!

I always try to break up my time to keep my hands from cramping and my mind from going crazy...(just kidding) and I wanted to share a few pictures.
I know the benefit of excellent photographs for selling any merchandise. I emphasize this to anyone interested in selling ANYTHING via internet. Throughout the years I have gone by the mere "practice makes perfect" theory and even though I am far from "perfect" I certainly can see an improvement.
Here are some old and new shots...and the old shots were actually new shots at the time!

...what a difference huh?!!!

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Monday, December 1, 2008


As you all know I am IN LOVE with the art of Lampwork beads.
I have been watching and drooling over this husband and wife team's work for quite a while and feel overwhelmed not to share their GORGEOUS pieces!
I am talking about Dancing Star.
I can't even begin to explain the unique delicious designs...I'll just have to show you a few of my favorites!

Dancing Star Beads Bollywood Focal Ivory

Dancing Star Beads Focal Sea Pod

I have always LOVED anything organic and rich with color.
I'm in LOVE!
The detail and quality craftsmanship cannot be denied when you look at their work.
Like little GEMS and Treasure that could be found in a fantasy Ocean!
Dancing Star Beads Bollywood Focal Lagoon

They also have very unique designs like this one in a star shape. I imagine creating such a shape might be difficult in lamp work?
The edges look like rippling waves in the ocean.
Dancing Star Beads Big Hole Star Shaped Slider

I think my MOST favorite piece are these fantastical little fish like pieces:
Dancing Star Beads Focal Dragon Pod Eingana

I can't tell you how much I want this orange piece! *hint hint*
Seriously, I just love it! I have NO IDEA what to do with it but am thrilled just thinking about thinking about it!
There are SO MANY truly unique pieces that I could literally share pages of pictures!!!
I HIGHLY recommend to stop by and take a look for yourself.
Imagine the AMAZING jewelry your can create with these GORGEOUS pieces.

***All photographs courtesy of Dancing Star

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...the color challenge...

...being the NOT computer savvy person that I am I am challenged with the fact that my old monitor recently died and since I have had to purchase a new one the old video card is not compatible with the new monitor. Which to me only says, "...all the colors that you currently see on your monitor are totally wonky and don't even think about trying to color correct them and expect something even close to the real thing!"
...this is not a good time...
How on earth am I suppose to list things when I can't even make sure the color is right?!
...I have to figure out what to do.
...constantly dealing with my health isn't helping!

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