Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have been SO BUSY and VERY excited about the work I have been doing...
Yeah, haven't started packing yet!

Today I am going to go get my eyes examined before I move since they do this thing where they take a picture of your eyes and check to see changes in my retina. Apparently, a few doctors say by the way my eyes look I should have advanced stages of Glacoma...Of course, I about fell over and almost started crying when the first Optometrist said I practically should be blind! Another said that it could simply be my eyes and that the way they are just "looks" that way. So, a year later I am going back to see if there is any change in the shape.
Ugh, no insurance stinks! I never had to pay SO MUCH for an eye exam for glasses! Forget about getting the contact one too... I never even wear my contacts anymore.
Wish me luck!

Oh yeah, The reason I started this post was to share the custom set I just made!
The single flower is going to be her headdress and the mini three piece one is to attach onto her gown!
I LOVE how they turned out! The gown piece took me over 5 hours to make!
I think it was worth it!
I can't wait to get a picture and see how they look on her!!!!

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Sugarloaf said...

First off, sorry to hear about the possible glaucoma, that's sounds scary!
LOVE the new hair pieces!! Your pics are fantastic, too!!
You're moving again? hate moving...

Unknown said...

Your work is just so gorgeous! I can't get over it. It makes me want to go back to my wedding for a do over style-wise :) Maybe I'll just pop back into the dress and make the boy get back into the suit and retake some photos...
